Monday, December 3, 2012

looking for seymour pappert mathworld quotes on the internet and I found this.

What a breath of fresh air. Someone writing about programming without the arrogant know-everything voice that dominates. Someone who can say, “I am not the best at this” and “I don’t know everything—here is what I’m trying”. 

In terms of rhetoric, I fell in love with the voice of the writer at the very beginning and that made his platitudes easier to take. For the most part I agreed with him, but the disclaimer at the beginning especially helped for the ones that left me a little unsettled at first until I read on.

Some excerpts:

"I have pretty high standards in the naïve belief that it is possible to write software that sucks much, much less than what we put up with."

"I’m also wrong a lot of the time. That didn’t seem to be a roadblock for the majority of people who write about programming on the internet."

in response to: “What makes good and what makes bad programmers?”

  1. "Programmers who know they will make mistakes" [Good]

  2. "Programmers who think they will not make mistakes" [Bad]

The problem with education beyond just how we teach programming (especially with respect to music education):

"In reality, the two largest influences on how programming is taught today are: nostalgia, and the way in which the teacher learns best." 

Programming is not just explaining things to the computer but working out how things work.”

looking for seymour pappert mathworld quotes on the internet and I found this.

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