Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ines Katamso

on breaking from the evils of efficiency

"I worry I’m losing my linger, no longer taking the time to tarry. I don’t see the point of finally getting round to things if I have to lose my dawdle skills.”

"There is a reckless and rollicking abandon in our sleep time that we must try and bring into our waking hours. Our minds and our bodies do what they will without constraints when we enter the land of nod, and that is exactly how we want to walk the world till the end of days."

"Think of yourself as a sphincter and just try and unclench" 

on breaking from the evils of efficiency

Interesting Quora UX Designer thoughts on iOS7

Interesting Quora UX Designer thoughts on iOS7

"Peace, Love & Women"

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

As a writer, I tolerate error, poor performance, failure. So what if I
fail some of the time, if a story or an essay is no good? Sometimes
things do go well, the work is good. And that’s enough.

It’s just this attitude I don’t have about sex. I don’t tolerate
error, failure—therefore I’m anxious from the start, and therefore
I’m more likely to fail. Because I don’t have the confidence that some
of the time (without my forcing anything) it will be good.

If only I could feel about sex as I do about writing! That I’m the
vehicle, the medium, the instrument of some force beyond myself.

I experience the writing as given to me—sometimes, almost, as
dictated. I let it come, try not to interfere with it. I respect it,
because it’s me and yet more than me. It’s personal and transpersonal,

I would like to feel that way about sex, too. As if “nature” or “life”
used me. And I trust that, and let myself be used.

Susan Sontag

As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh: Journals and Notebooks”

But even if we can justify consuming our user’s cognitive resources while they’re using our product, what about our marketing? Can we honestly believe that our “content marketing” is a good use of their resources? “Yes, because it adds value.” we tell ourselves. But what does that even mean? Can we honestly say that “engaging with our brand” is a healthy, ethical use of their scarce, precious, limited cognitive resources?

Your app makes me fat — Serious Pony (via alecresnick)

feeding the ui should be invisible theory….

[vimeo 62648933 w=500 h=375]

Context breeds Content.

Lessig Blog, v2: On the emptiness in the concept of "neutrality"


One of the most frustrating aspects of this report is the role of “neutrality” — especially in light of the criticism MIT makes of the prosecutors reported in the post below.

"Neutrality" is one of those empty words that somehow has achieved sacred and context-free acceptance — like…

Lessig Blog, v2: On the emptiness in the concept of "neutrality"
[spotify id="spotify%3Atrack%3A2taOl3fvfWjMqKApl9bWgu&view=coverart" width="500" height="580" /]

An Arvo Part esque Jonny Greenwood take on Nice Dream. Gorgeous.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The time to worry is three months before a flight. Decide then whether or not the goal is worth the risks involved. If it is, stop worrying. To worry is to add another hazard. It retards reactions, makes one unfit… . Hamlet would have been a bad aviator.

Amelia Earhart - Wikiquote (via alecresnick)
Never do things others can do and will do, if there are things others cannot do or will not do.

Amelia Earhart - Wikiquote (via alecresnick)


I find that I keep thinking about this exhibit even months later. 

currently at MoMA

Monday, July 22, 2013

Lines that show time. 

"Woman Sleeping"

Picasso 1932

Playful Scroll Effects

Playful Scroll Effects

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Black criminality is more than myth; it is socially engineered prophecy. If you believe a people to be inhuman, you confine them to inhuman quarters and inhuman labor, and subject them to inhuman policy. When they then behave inhumanely to each other, you take it is as proof of your original thesis.

The Banality Of Richard Cohen And Racist Profiling - Ta-Nehisi Coates - The Atlantic (via alecresnick)

Troubleshooting CSS | Codrops

everything that sucks about css in one place.

Troubleshooting CSS | Codrops

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Primary Sans

Digging this.

Primary Sans

Every Teenager Should Have a Summer of '65

"But here is the upside of being an adult: It is O.K. You do not have to be in a romantic relationship to keep the love. "

With the boyfriends who matter you get a new friend, the wife.”




And he’s Hungarian to boot. This article made my week. 

Every Teenager Should Have a Summer of '65

Primary Sans

Digging this.

Primary Sans

Primary Sans

Digging this. 

Primary Sans

Monday, July 15, 2013

Red Hook Recreation Center

via Carmel:

the price of entrance is compliance with a very draconian set of rules… but the pool is huge, damn clean and beautiful, so you can’t complain.”

Preferred method of transport to/from = bike. With lunch on the waterfront. 

oh yeah.

fake summer plans, GO! 

Red Hook Recreation Center

Friday, July 12, 2013

A Great UI is Invisible | Codrops

A Great UI is Invisible | Codrops

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Creating space with depth. 


Tuesday, July 9, 2013


This is a really great example of how the style of our website is in direct contrast/conflict with more common graphics styles. 

The kickstarter page provides a nice framework for navigation/menu bar + product page. The secondary nav on top of the page provides users with actions they might need before getting too sucked in and a nice overview of everything that’s available to the page. We know that clicking “updates,” “backers,” or comments will replace the bottom section of the page.

Graphically there’s a lot of space and breathing room around the product page content. The Track16 page is kind of the opposite. The top half is pretty congested and the product page returns some room but not enough to make the page a comfortable place that you want to spend lots of time on.  

I had a dream about the pigeon hole principle last night.


From Pigeons Flying

Aaron Wojack

Monday, July 8, 2013

hover behavior

Product In Concept

nice tab-style. 

Looks clean and neat. And I like the graphic design elements. 

However I prefer my more recent mockups since the experience feels more immersive. This feels too much like one is looking at a cut-up magazine for our purposes. Since the freitag bags are made out of recycled material that aesthetic makes more sense for them. 

line-drawings for product pages!

A quick way to characterize a line of products. 

Provides an easy mapping from one to many. Form of the bag, versus many iterations of it.

 Also note the two levels of hierarchy. Collection, then type. 

We have to ask ourselves whether medicine is to remain a humanitarian and respected profession or a new but depersonalized science in the service of prolonging life rather than diminishing human suffering.

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross - Wikiquote (via alecresnick)

digging the whole dark shades thing. 

this make-shades-from-blinds thing looks do-able.

this make-shades-from-blinds thing looks do-able.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

it’s not ideal that not all our boxes require clicking. that adds to the confusion.

Square you want to click to “learn more”

…you always figure, the audience is at least as smart as you are. You do this because you like it, you think what you’re making is beautiful. And if you think it’s beautiful, maybe they’ll think it’s beautiful. When I did Metal Machine Music, New York Times critic John Rockwell said, “This is really challenging.” I never thought of it like that. I thought of it like, “Wow, if you like guitars, this is pure guitar, from beginning to end, in all its variations. And you’re not stuck to one beat.” That’s what I thought. Not, “I’m going to challenge you to listen to something I made.” I don’t think West means that for a second, either. You make stuff because it’s what you do and you love it.

Lou Reed on making stuff (in a review of Yeezus, I swear)

Monday, July 1, 2013


animation to prompt Turn Up Turn Down interaction. 

[vimeo 42896045 w=500 h=281]

prototype for bjork’s “mutual core” video. 

I love seeing what a cheap prototype looks like for different mediums.