five discreet colors from left to right:
D5D8C7 D4D6CE D3D5D5 D1D3DC D0D2E3
five discreet colors from left to right:
D5D8C7 D4D6CE D3D5D5 D1D3DC D0D2E3
Switch between list view (infinite scroll, perhaps in reverse chronological order) and tile view with the icons in the top left corner.
I like the flexibility between the two, that one can choose to imbibe or select carefully from a more finite feeling group.
Different audiences with different purposes would prefer one over the other. New visitors perhaps want more of an overview; good friends want only the latest.
Speakers embedded into art embedded into brick. At deb’s going away brunch. (at Dokebi)
We Made It. @Sifteo @ the MoMA store. (at MoMA Design Store)
love the colors. subtle green wall.
the wood of the table matches the wood in my new house.
new year
new room
…collecting ideas. going to be in this one for a whole year.