Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

thinking more about soup spoons and soup bowls. like melodies as pods that fit onto soup spoons. and projecting the composition in fill-in-the-blank notation in the bowl somehow…



liking this more neutral color. time to sell the red ones that i have…

2 Pinter plays that were the best thing I've seen in a while

A Kind of Alaska and Collection

Both breathtaking. 

2 Pinter plays that were the best thing I've seen in a while

Good compilation of experiments in music notation

working on my music electronics project from back in the day. thinking about projecting some version of music notation on the base. leaning towards piano roll…

Good compilation of experiments in music notation

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So you want to know who is teaching what next term? Blammo:

note that this list is a 1 to 1 bijection between course # and prof, so doesn’t really show who Else is teaching what….

So you want to know who is teaching what next term? Blammo:

Saturday, December 11, 2010


so weird


Cédric Rivrain as Carrie Bradshaw photographed by Andrea Spotorno in French magazine Double.

Rochas Sweater, American Apparel shorts, Christian Loubotin shoes and Olympia Le-Tan minaudiere.



Friday, December 10, 2010

ramallah underground tracks

ramallah underground tracks
The eye that hears and the ear that sees.

Dr. Pace on making and playing music (My piano teacher’s teacher)

interesting article that I found, here:

The Essentials of Keyboard Pedagogy: Sight Reading and Music Literacy (first topic) 

Anna Tang Acquitted, are you kidding me.

she stabbed him 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 times. one of the nicest guys. 

lawyers are ruining america. just like the sophists destroyed greece. 

Anna Tang Acquitted, are you kidding me.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

artificial intelligence has made games seem dumb

not chess

or Go

but Sudoku? why does anyone play sudoku. just slowly cutting away at arbitrary domains. I guess it’s cool to be able to see which is the most constrained. but still, so boring.

Time complexity of Python's built-in function

also for next semester ;.)

Time complexity of Python's built-in function

Writing code in Latex

for use next semester. and the one after. ugh

Writing code in Latex
[audio https://www.tumblr.com/audio_file/berglar/2157686122/tumblr_ld6julaefi1qex889?plead=please-dont-download-this-or-our-lawyers-wont-let-us-host-audio]


(ramallah underground - aswatt il zaman)

still having trouble with this whole internet persona thing

I don’t really twitter, I’m often really uncomfortable with facebook. I’m trying to get better and convince myself of this always being on exhibition thing. 

This is an interesting story by amanda palmer about how to make your online identity a makeshift marketing frenzy, in an indie non-corporate way. i think it’s pretty cool. 

i think kickstarter is also a step in this direction. If I ever need to monetize the music thing, it’s going to be something I have to figure out. 

still having trouble with this whole internet persona thing

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


the LCS (longest common subsequence) problem is the basis of diff! so cool! i use diff all the time!!


the missing piece

a plugin for scratch that enables you to make your very own blocks. I feel like this just might supply what was missing from the already powerful metaphor for programming that scratch is built around. Will have to mess around with it over iap :.)

Pretty exciting. Thanks ben for the link. 

also ben wrote a really good article here: 


the missing piece

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

chamomile citrus. 

[audio https://www.tumblr.com/audio_file/berglar/2136256899/tumblr_ld2wy7gC4R1qex889?plead=please-dont-download-this-or-our-lawyers-wont-let-us-host-audio]

I’ve been listening to this on repeat.

Mike made a french flashcards app!

Mike made a french flashcards app!

Friday, December 3, 2010

I never realized how Shel Silverstein’s "The Missing Piece Meets the Big O" is a parody off of the story of the circle people in Plato’s Phaedrus. 

So many interpretations of the circle people in the Phaedrus confuse the intention I think, but Shel gets it just right and makes it more accessible. 

Thanks Clare for the link. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Montessori education can’t be too successful if it didn’t result in you knowing what you want to do for your life.

G. Sussman


Scott: oh that’s really funny longest common subsequence

Scott: when i was at bear, i wrote a program to do precisely that

Larisa: what was the O of your algorithm?

Scott: i respected my algorithm’s privacy in that regard

One Day...

that will be my summer. 

not this summer though. maybe next summer. 

One Day...